Topics include but are not limited to the following areas:
ISCTT 2020-The International Seminar on Transportation (ISCTT-IST 2020) accepts original and unpublished papers. The papers may include but are not limited to:
运输工程 Transportation engineering
海上运输 Marine transportation
空运 Air transportation
公路运输 road transport
运输安全 Transportation safety
低碳运输 Low Carbon Transportation
多式联运 Multimodal transport
交通运输经济 Transportation economy
综合运输工程学理论及发展 Theory and development of comprehensive transportation engineering
运输管理、经济和政策 Transportation management, economics and policy
综合运输管理系统 Integrated transportation management system
智能运输 Intelligent transpo
交通安全 Traffic safety
交通安全与控制理论 Traffic safety and control theory
交通安全、环境保护与可持续发展 Transportation security, environmental 、protection, and sustainable development
交通技术 Electric vehicle tech
应急系统和技术 Emergency response systems and technologies
交通管理系统 Traffic control system
安全和监测系统 Security and monitoring systems
物流工程与管理 Logistics engineering and management
公共交通管理 Public transport management
特殊事件的管理:事件和疏散 Management of Exceptional Events: Incidents and Evacuation
交通和社会经济发展 Transportation and socioeconomic development
城市公共交通规划管理 urban public transport planning and management
综合运用 Comprehensive application
智能算法 Intelligent algorithms
智能车辆 Intelligent Vehicles
智能交通技术 Intelligent Transportation Technology
智能仪器与检测技术 Intelligent Instrument and Detection Technology
人工智能和机器学习 Artificial intelligence and machine learning
智能优化算法及其应用 Intelligent Optimization Algorithm and Application
汽车控制系统和自主车辆 Automotive Control Systems and Autonomous Vehicles
电动汽车运输系统 Electric Vehicle Transportation Systems
自动车辆操作和驾驶员辅助系统 Automatic vehicle operation and driver assistance system
车辆防撞 Vehicle collision avoidance
电动汽车技术 Electric vehicle technology